Related: About this forumGot my chest X-ray result today.
18 months ago I had a chest X-ray done in the ER. Everything was fine except of 2 small noduals on one lung. Had the test done 6 months ago with no change in size. What a relief as I smoked for many years. Had it done again this week and got the results.
There are two tiny nodules seen along the left major fissure, on axial images 32 and 33 that appear to be decreased in size from last year, likely tiny intrapulmonary lymph nodes. No suspicious nodules, no further follow-up acquired.
Should I tell my doctor I have been using CBD with THC tincture for the last 4 months? Looks like it may have helped.
Saw my Neurologist this week too. My Essential Tremors have decreased too and I told him about the Tincture and said to continue..

(42,649 posts)I would inform my doctor, but the doctor might reject the idea that THC helped.
(35,071 posts)When I got the first results, I was pretty sure I was toast. Had just got in from a 4 mile run when I saw the results on my portal.
(42,649 posts)One of my children stopped using anti-anxiety medications a year ago and now uses CBD oil. Her Doctor was very happy to learn how well it is working for my child.
(35,071 posts)Back in the prozac years.
(42,649 posts)Make a drug to treat one condition, and then prescribe another drug to deal with the effects of the first.
Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)guidance, to wean off over 4-5 months. Felt awful. Couldnt do it. It bothers me that I cant get off them.
(35,071 posts)Hope there is a cure that does not require a pill.
(3,572 posts)what is more effective and I don't think there'll be an answer. There's CBD as an isolate or CBD full spectrum hemp oil. Logically, the full spectrum hemp oil should be more effective because it contains more of the MJ plant. The THC level in both types is less than 3%. However, and I'm still in the testing stage, I think I get better relief using CBD in the isolate form.
I also use a 1:1, which is CBD and THC in a 50/50 proportion.
Have you tried both kinds of CBD and if so which gives better relief?
(35,071 posts)Also add 2 puffs of strong Indica at bed time. 2 drops under tongue in morning and 2 more at bed time. Two puffs help put me to sleep. Any more then its harder to fall asleep. I kind of worry about lungs and the smoke. Research is leaning toward THC for lung cancer.
(3,572 posts)diseases (or at least puts the cancer in permanent remission) and they don't want such a cure to be available until they get their patent.
More than 3 years ago I treated a horse who had sarcoid cancer in/on his sheath with a 1:1 mixture (CBD and THC), Golden Paste (turmeric mixture), and maritime pine bark. He's still alive and still free of the cancer. I am a firm believer in CBD and THC for treatment of diseases, including cancers. If cancer ever strikes you reach for your CBD&THC.
(35,071 posts)treating stage 4 cancers.
(3,572 posts)say I wouldn't use it if ever diagnosed with cancer, but it is very strong on the THC, so I would never use it without a friend watching over me during the entire treatment regimen. The initial treatment is a rice-size pellet drop of Simpson oil, it's that strong. Given my experience, I think that mj kills cancer without going to his extreme but I can understand why some people go this extreme route. The problem is that without clinical trials there won't be a standardized treatment regimen and we can't get the clinical trials because it's an illegal drug on the federal level.
(35,071 posts)Ive run into 2 people that said they were in stage 4 and it cured them. The still didnt look well to me