Warren 2020
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waited a week after switching from the Biden camp. I was never a hard-core believer in him but simply thought he might appeal in enough swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, etc. to flip them.
It was something Michael Moore said a few weeks ago that convinced me we needed a street fighter like Warren. I posted my original thoughts in the Primaries Forum (https://www.democraticunderground.com/1287247295) and received 80 Recs, 92 replies, and 3245 views. Something certainly resonated with the crowd here.
Moore doesn't specifically mention or endorse Warren in this clip. But I think she has the charisma and skill set to rally the crowd Moore points to -- certainly with more effect than Biden.
To any Warren campaign staffers who might (hopefully) monitor this group, here's my two cents: keep the candidate -- and message -- authentic.

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(633 posts)polmaven
(9,463 posts)and I certainly intend to vote for her all the way!!
(7,277 posts)Elizabeth Warren
(7,277 posts)I would not like to be a campaign staffer who suggested to Elizabeth anything else !
(4,288 posts)Many years ago I watched a news clip in which Warren talked about how "No one succeeds alone." That the most successful businesses and corporations all relied on the U.S. infrastructure of roads and police and fire stations and educated workers. Paying their fair share of taxes was their way of paying back the country for this contribution to their success.
I wanted her for president right then and there. I've been waiting for her to run ever since.
(32,107 posts)its a great sound bite.
Another blurb I read, this from economist Ravi Batra, was how U.S. corporations needed to help pay back the TRILLIONS of dollars spent on national defense that helps these corporations, their stockholders and execs, become so wealthy.