Bloomberg 'has to answer' for sexist comments, women should be released from NDAs: Elizabeth Warren
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, said Monday that women who have signed nondisclosure agreements at the company run by Mike Bloomberg should be allowed to tell their stories -- especially if those women want to speak publicly about past allegations that Bloomberg fostered a hostile work environment for women.
"I think [nondisclosure agreements] are a way for people to hide bad things they've done. And I think that women should be able to speak," Warren told reporters during a campaign stop in Fort Madison, Iowa, on Monday. "They need to be released from [nondisclosure agreements]."
Warren called on Bloomberg to release women from nondisclosure agreements less than 24 hours after ABC News reported on several lawsuits that accused Bloomberg of making crude remarks in the 1990s and created an uncomfortable environment for women to work -- allegations Bloomberg has denied.
"When women raise concerns like this, we have to pay attention. We have to listen to them, and if Michael Bloomberg has made comments like this, then he has to answer for them," Warren said.