Klobuchar 2020
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The centrist, Midwestern candidates went after Warren with a vengeance'
Politico asked several pundits to comment on the debate
The consensus, however, was that Joe Biden was a little too invisible, and that Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar stood out for the first time.
Sophia A. Nelson is an American author, political strategist, opinion writer and former House Republican Committee counsel.
It was a big night for Klobachur: She finally found her voice!
The winners were Klobachur and Buttigieg. The centrist, Midwestern candidates went after Warren with a vengeance all night. Warren maintained her status quo. Harris was largely invisible except for when she twice raised reproductive rights. Sanders was back, considering he just suffered a heart attack a couple of weeks ago.
Patti Solis Doyle is a Democratic political strategist, communications consultant and former campaign manager for Hillary Clinton.
Klobuchar saw an opening in the moderate lane and went for it. Invoking her Midwest upbringing, the dignity of work and a moderate approach to health care, she sounded more like Biden than Biden did. She forcefully contrasted herself from Warren

(4,518 posts)Realistically , imo, as much as I like them both, Warren and Sanders will not be elected president. Ever.
The continual media characterization of them as far left will work against them and will bring out the opposition in droves.
I live in a suburb of a big city, in a swing state, and my associates of ALL kinds,are afraid of the socialism of these two.
Want to win the critical suburbs? Pick a centrist.
Even with their faults. Biden, Klobuchar, even Buttigieg.
can persuade the persuadable.
Otherwise...4 more years of Trump.
question everything
(49,735 posts)Last edited Thu Oct 17, 2019, 12:42 PM - Edit history (1)
Some weeks ago someone wisely posted on GD/P that the next president, a Democrat, we hope, will have to start reversing all the damage that Trump caused, domestically and internationally. Not starting a revolution. Unfortunately, it was in the first, or, perhaps the second debate that Warren chastised someone who said "we cannot to this" instead of aiming high. As Klobuchar said: a pipe dream.
question everything
(49,735 posts)Whoever goes to the White House in 2020 should have her hands very full with such an extensive job
mopping up after Trump, rolling back the tax giveaway, filling positions in State dept., getting all Fed departments functional and back on mission, putting FBI on trail of domestic terrorists, undoing all Trumps damage on all fronts, bringing Iran back to the table, and straightening out our foreign policy and relations at a time of great peril, while moving on climate change...
Why oh why, and HOW, could she implement an entirely new healthcare system which will upheave current infrastructure and bring in a massive untested and NEW infrastructure?
OH, and working on the literal crumbling infrastructure, and getting immigration reform done!
Really? Think candidates, think!
A more modest proposal is not only politically better, but far more do-able.