DU4 Bug Reports
Related: About this forumWant to help test the reply recommendation feature?
This discussion thread was locked by EarlG (a host of the DU4 Bug Reports forum).
A few people have asked about this feature, so let's test it out. I've picked a random reply two-thirds of the way down a longish thread to recommend. It's this one:
If you go there and hit the "Recommend" button in the bottom right, you should see the count go up. Once five people have recced it, you can go to the top of the reply tree and look for the buttons that say:
Hit "Recommended" and the post should light up in the reply tree.

(153,129 posts)Lasher
(28,678 posts)Do 5 of us have to rec it before the highlight will appear?
ETA: I see it has 4 recs now.
(22,761 posts)greatauntoftriplets
(177,382 posts)I recommended the post. Is it working now?
(28,678 posts)You have to go up to the OP and select recommended to turn it on. Then when you scroll down the reply tree you should see that reply highlighted in yellow. Thanks for pitching in!
(22,761 posts)Hopefully you can see how highlighting recommended posts in the reply tree might be useful, particularly in long, busy threads where you just want to skim through and read the best replies.
Renew Deal
(83,637 posts)Lasher
(28,678 posts)Right now the selection comes up as none.
(22,761 posts)we may be able to set it up so that it remembers your setting -- in other words, whatever the last thing you changed it to becomes your default for all the other threads you look at, until you change it again. I'll have to talk with Elad to see if we can make that happen.
(96,598 posts)sheshe2
(90,305 posts)