The Way Forward
Related: About this forumWe need to do what he did ....
Like it or not, we need to do what TFG did. We need to quickly find a vibrant Democrat who is currently unemployed and have them announce they are running for President. And then, every other week, hold a rally with loud complaints about the things that are happening in Washington. Complain, complain, complain. Don't worry about true substance, aim for shocking language and sound bites. It doesn't even need to be someone who eventually becomes the nominee (although that would help) but TFG never went away, and never let Biden have a minute of a normal Presidency, and neither should we.

(1,084 posts)It will actually attract the attention of narcissist trump and possibly impair his ability to inflict more harm... Or may exacerbate it and make it worse if that's even possible.
marble falls
(63,640 posts)Harker
(15,716 posts)but honestly, nothing better to do.
he might be a bum, but he's OUR bum!
(15,716 posts)True Dough
(22,157 posts)the people's champion!!!
(15,716 posts)🍵

(26,889 posts)Think. Again.
(21,603 posts)I agree that a consistent media barrage of opposing positions with actual, verifiable arguments against everything trump and the nazis do is a great idea and would be an effective foil to their constant Bullshitting.
(25,190 posts)with constant attention getting statements, the way that the felon in chief does.
It might work. But it might turn off people who are tired of that kind of politics.
I do think, though, that we need to do and say things that get the media's attention. Get Dems on programs for interviews and bluntly, no holds barred, describe exactly what the oligarchy is doing to take control of government, who is doing it, and how that hurts average people.
Make the oligarchy and robber barons image stick and build on it.
yellow dahlia
(1,802 posts)Get it out there. Some of the Dem leaders are already being too wishy washy.
The voice and message need to be strong. But it also needs to be substantive.
I agree with you - being too much like him will turn many of our people off.
Facts and information and narrative. But not just bluster and effect.
(23,212 posts)as "collogues" and if they speak wrong their words are removed.
(17,242 posts)I like her.
(7,337 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)...That we will have to completely kill first. Or it has to be made so painful that few will confess to believing in it.
I have little faith in my "fellow man" to do the right thing ever again in my lifetime.
Or fellow women either, because idiocy knows no gender.
Women are so oppressed. Some believe that they have no other option than to vote against their own self interests.
Plus, there's a good portion of our society that are just hopelessly evil vindictive assh*les.
Until women are routinely valued as having sustained power, it will be difficult to convince others that they deserve places of power routinely.
The USA has a long way to go.
It's going to take a major culture shift and lots of hard work on the part of the populace. We may be on our way, but we aren't even close.
And I'm an optimist.
Literally, almost anyone can be groomed to be a dynamic persuasive speaker. I taught Voice and Diction and Persuasive Speaking at a college level, and I have seen some things.
Looking good and being intelligent are very small parts of the total picture.
Attention is always the most vital tool because whatever you focus attention on you strengthen.
It's good to get someone's attention, but the real trick is sustaining it and then using that attention to persuade.
(8,784 posts)its fair share of Neanderthal voters. Women can win and women do win.
(26,791 posts)Good for Michigan.
Now tell me about all of the other states and territories. While you're at it, add in all of the other countries in the world. Then we'll talk.
(8,784 posts)leadership roles. Women lead and have led all over the world. One example
(26,791 posts)
Our women are headed back to the kitchen dont ya know .leaving their shoes as a breadcrumb trail. First the Court takes reproductive freedom and now the meme is women are just not electable! It would be interesting to do a DU survey. I bet the result would be shocking.
(26,791 posts)"...women are just not electable."...
I said misogyny is a beast.
And you can do a survey anytime you like. Here it won't be anonymous but you can create your own on line.
FYI here's a tidbit you might find interesting on the subject.
We studied attacks on women candidates. Nobody got it worse than Kamala Harris.
yellow dahlia
(1,802 posts)One of the feminist in my orbit (who also happens to be a man), said the Democratic Party needs to put up only white men up as presidential candidates, until we can get enough control, and stop the cheating in elections. We need free and fair elections.
(648 posts)She would have won the EC too but several kinds of social media and MSM attacks lowered her overall vote total just enough to prevent that victory.
(34,540 posts)Harris is President and the Maga Party rigged the election.
(6,822 posts)Women like Rev Budde arent waiting around for people to tell them our country is too misogynist to listen to women. She struck a nerve that no man has yet been able to accomplish
The men of Mexico did not listen to people who said they were too macho to vote in Claudia Sheinbaum as president
And it was Claudia not Trudeau who schooled Trump.
It was the grandmothers of the disappeared in Argentina who cracked the spine of their military regime.
Being timid gets us nowhere self-censoring makes us losers. If strong women come forth, and I believe many more will be doing just that, I am not about to tell them they need to step aside for a man because the country is too misogynist to listen to a woman.
(26,791 posts)I don't believe in our current situation we have the luxury of FAFO. If we ever even get a chance again to try.
There comes a point in time when learning curves become learning cliffs. I'd rather not find out after a third time that we've ended up at the bottom of a pit.
Anecdotes from other countries are nice and give us hope but they are not us.
Even in actual science not all scientific evidence translates to other related circumstances as fact.
So tell me, if American women are so electable why in almost 250 years haven't we had a woman president?
I'll wait.
(6,822 posts)uh 1. Mexico is a very old country. This is their first female president. Wow. Are they more intelligent and advanced than we are? Well, maybe. But I think we can catch up.
2. We have had males only in the presidency for 250 years because American women only achieved the right to vote in the first half of the 20th century. They had to fight for it and crush the nay sayers, including women nay sayers. Then we had to create another mass movement in the second half of the twentieth century for Equal rights In all other phases of our life including reproductive rights. Now we have fought our way into elected offices and started making things better for all Americans. We are electing more women in local and state offices and moving toward parity . { Getting parity in elective offices was what brought Mexico to elect a woman president.)
Male only rule is never going to get us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Setting up some unofficial qualification for president such as stating that our party should only run a man is just divisive and demoralizing for voters.
Trump was just crediting Musk with helping him win due to Musks knowledge of those Pennsylvania voting machines. Even if Trump was telling another lie, we should have absolutely no expectation that 2028 will not be rigged. In fact we should have no expectation that 2026 will not be rigged. Spending time and energy trying to keep half of our potential candidates out of the running is like shooting ourselves in the foot
(26,791 posts)I tried to start a conversation about MISOGYNY and traits that are advantageous for persuasion.
Unfortunately, some here seem to think that I'm saying that women shouldn't run for public office.
Which actually goes a long way towards proving my point.
Did anyone actually read the two comments above mine?
Good grief.
(35,052 posts)I've been thinking a lot about Obama lately and how he got in. You wouldn't think a black man named Barack Hussein Obama could win just a few years after 9/11 - but he did.
He was pretty low level, not widely known, insisted on his own fundraising rather than public funds, and clobbered them all with his caucuses. He was not the choice of the democratic elite (at least initially, I'm talking back in 2007). He did do some groundwork, though, I remember from his book - getting some deep pockets to support him.
AOC really got some recognition early on with Bernie elevating her. Young people really like her. It's not a horrible idea.
But there are others that are good too - Shapiro and Newsom obviously - but likely more that are really not household names yet.
And I do love Kamala, she did extremely well considering she didn't have a lot of time to pull it together.
(2,782 posts)Sparkly
(24,534 posts)
Think. Again.
(21,603 posts)kenziemom06
(113 posts)TFG won because he never went away like other defeated Presidential candidates. This needs to be someone who isn't beholden to anyone but themselves, and who can deflect some attention away from the Melon Felon by a weekly or monthly airing of grievances that will speak to what the half of the country that didn't vote for one second of this is feeling. Like jackass did since 2020.
(2,493 posts)Oh, there are a few of us out here who confront MAGAts, get in their face, tell them to go to hell and that we will be glad to help them on the journey.
But those who have risen to the top of the Democratic Party leadership chain are compromisers, wimps, don't rock the boat, "Oh, don't say things like that," "work across the aisle."
And too old.
(64,852 posts)Think. Again.
(21,603 posts)...dynamic, young, and engaged "Leftists".
I like the idea of AOC as the face of opposition, but there are many, many others too.
We can start by electing David Hogg as Vice Chair of the DNC.
(23,212 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)Or have one held in the face of reality.
(23,212 posts)get tired of it. And I do not think it is helpful.
Look at what those idiot MAGATs did; I never thought they would win the first election and this last one really surprised me. They didn't walk around saying, "It can't be done'
(26,791 posts)I just like to listen, even if I fundamentally disagree. Because I have tried to plan my life around not just wanting to be smart but ultimately wise.
The people who are the hardest to love are sometimes the people that we need to try and love the hardest.
But I draw the line at psychopaths. They all deserve to die and are a menace to civilized society being fundamentally irredeemable.
happy feet
(1,172 posts)haven't thought it out, but interesting idea...
We do need to find a way to get across all media EVERY DAY countering this orange convicted felon.
(12,385 posts)But we also need to be building relationships at local and state levels. Both are really important because if Republicans take control in just a few more states, they will have the power to call a Constitutional Convention and rewrite the Constitution to enhance their own power and beliefs. Imagine the Constitution as simply a version of the Project 2025 manifesto for dictatorship and theocracy.
(26,791 posts)
(11 posts)Younger better looking than the orange. Smarter, can debate his way out of a paper bag unlike the current office holder
(2,454 posts)need a loud asshole, but a benign, well-meaning, compassionate loud asshole with intelligence, integrity, and the ability to inspire AND, unfortunately, entertain.
How about a popular entertainer with a caustic wit who is not afraid to cut Trump to shreds? Lewis Black comes to mind, but he is too old.
A young Lewis Black. Yeah! That's the ticket!
(2,454 posts)seat to become the North Carolina attorney general. Get this: He is resigning early because he wants to AVOID receiving two paychecks! He is a Democrat, 'natch! He's also "a veteran who served in Afghanistan, a former assistant district attorney, and a current member of the Army National Guard, Jeff has dedicated his life to public service. Extra points for being young and handsome:
AND he is a TikTok star!
(17,531 posts)Thats the type of condemning language that needs to be used. No cerebral machinations of any situation. Just the most extremely harmful descriptions of any and all of his own alternate reality projections.
Ive been thinking the same as your OP for a while. Its going to have to be whataboutism since thats all he ever spouts.
(2,493 posts)Newspaper people will tell you the most read parts of papers are letters to editors (LTE) and sports.
Get together a small group to write letters. Meet twice a month, decide on the topics to be covered over the next 2-3 weeks, devise talking points, and write.
Google How to write letter to editor for suggestions, dos and donts. Contact local papers for their rules.
With T#### in office there is plenty of material. Figure out how his latest outrage will hurt local people and hit that hard.
Keep it up. Do not quit. Youll be surprised at the people you do not know who will quietly come up to you at church and thank you.
Meanwhile, send same letters to your Representative and Senator. If they hold public meetings, go, be heard.
(122,587 posts)hate machine would give such a person, and such events, any coverage, or at least anything positive?
(72,174 posts)gotta b someone edgy. how about marc cuban? hes 1 of them. ppl listen when he talks.
(26,791 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)I've had my Radio Telephone Operator license since I was seventeen going on eighteen and have worked in TV and Radio. I started as a DJ in college. ❤️
(122,587 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)Pod casts are way more popular than I believed that they would be. But there's no substitute for good old over the airwaves radio. I'm surprised President Genius hasn't fu>ked that up yet.
(122,587 posts)mopinko
(72,174 posts)a half a dozen dems she file now. harris, pete, klobachar. aoc. ???
no old farts pls.
if u leave this job to 1 person, it reads as- shoving him/her down our throats.
(26,791 posts)
(72,174 posts)no, i rly dont believe our party needs a single voice. sorta the point of being a dem.
lot of ppl mad about how harris got on the ticket. not me, but ppl. a nice long drawn out campaign, w some real competition, wd demand attention.
(1,486 posts)distract the felon, then work in the shadows.
(26,791 posts)liberalla
(10,340 posts)Historic NY
(38,597 posts)playing nice and ignoring him. Obama stayed in the shadows and no one seems to be slamming him on the grievance tour.
(37,549 posts)to be a white, Christian, straight male, that owns guns with a low IQ and a loud mouth.
Wiz Imp
(4,114 posts)The reason it worked for Trump is Republicans are subject cult like thinking. Democrats brains are wired differently and would never quickly fall in line like republicans. It's the same type of situation why disinformation works so much better on the right than the left. Studies have been done hat show fake stories posted on right wing media are quickly accepted and spread like wildfire. On the other hand, most fake stories posted on progressive or liberal sites are quickly exposed as fake. Progressives/Liberals will not rally behind lies like the right does.
(113 posts)I said be loud and in their face. Light on substance, heavy on frustration.
I'd add that I don't even think this person needs to be our eventual nominee, although that would turn out nicely. It really needs to be someone who has the time and the charisma to make some noise. Mark Cuban works. Kamala works. Doug works. Pete works. Someone I haven't thought of yet would work, too.
Wiz Imp
(4,114 posts)You said: "hold a rally with loud complaints about the things that are happening in Washington. Complain, complain, complain. Don't worry about true substance, aim for shocking language and sound bites."
People who tend to vote for Democrats don't respond to that type of outreach. They want substance, not whining and outrage like the Republicans do. As I said, nice idea but destined to fail.
(1,395 posts)It's all bets are off. They can't lecture us about morality nor law and order when they have a convicted felon as president out there. While we're at it, why don't we remove the question of "Are you a convicted felon?" in job applications. I mean, clearly if you are rich and a oligarch, you can get away with stuff that everybody knows an average person would never get away with. The high road has killed us. It made us look weak. If the Republicans complain, well, they have no right to complain when they support an insurrectionist. They are bought by these same oligarchs. They also should go after the media that has bowed down to Trump. To be honest, I think this was planned from the beginning. They knew that if they controlled the narrative, knowing that they are few fighters in the opposition to go against them, they would win. By that I mean since a lot of the opposition took the high road instead of actually fighting, they took advantage of it. The Democratic Party better wake up and start fighting hard. Dictators/oligarchs want to purge opposition. Is the Democratic Party going to start fighting? To me, where things go from here sharply depends on if they start fighting hard. Forget the high road, it has done nothing.
(3,121 posts)And he is a great communicator.
(35,052 posts)support and work on a campaign for him.
Response to QED (Reply #56)
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(35,052 posts)
(29,690 posts)Amen. Very loudly, and very often. Stow the good conduct medals, fellow Democrats: Get super-pissed and super-loud, and don't stop until things get better. This is a war, and we by-God need to start acting like it.
live love laugh
(15,024 posts)stillcool
(33,421 posts)Is there some network you know that will follow it? Papers that will print stories? Good Lord, where've you been? You'd think the two parties had the same access. It's been bad enough, but I think there will be very little 'news' coming out of D.C.
(4,815 posts)I once wrote (in another venue) called "Why Aren't Democrats Obsessed?"
Fact is I've long thought Democrats played too nicely with a bunch of unscrupulous fks, some of whom, no doubt would stab you in back if they thought they could get away with it. I've typically used the phrase, "bringing knives to a gunfight" to describe it. That needs to change BIG TIME.
And much as I love Obama, I've always felt this great man treated them TOO kindly. Like that fk who shouted "you lie" in the middle of a State of the Union address. Barrack should've handed him back his azz, right then and there
(eloquently of course, as usual).
I also think there are ways of being cordial in a solemn ceremony without chuckling with the snake who called your wife "nasty" and questioned your birthright. But hey, that's me.
Fact is, MAGAS rely on our courtesy and reserve, which is why they think they can get away with so much s----. No blowback, no repercussions.
Michelle O showed 'em what she thought of em, tho. Good for her!
(162,389 posts)when Dems behave like repukes IT IS HELD AGAINST THEM