The Way Forward
Related: About this forumThe consequences of letting DeJoy continue to kill the USPS
Many of us have been very unhappy, even outraged, that Biden seemed so oblivious to the importance of protecting the USPS. Biden simply took no interest in the USPS and we will pay a bigger price than most people believe.
And let's dispense with the lame argument that the President can't get rid of the PG. It would have been the easiest move ever to have canned DeJoy. Biden named a majority of board members and obviously could have selected only people who were willing to act in favor of the USPS. But he didn't. And Biden had 2 additional openings that sat vacant without even nominees for many months. Let's look at the consequences of not taking this simplest of all possible actions any time during Biden's 4 years. And let's not forget that Schumer was also culpable, as he gave no priority to getting Postal Governors confirmed, or insisting that they can DeJoy as condition of their confirmation by the Senate.
What are the consequences? The obvious consequences are that DeJoy continues to wreck the USPS, intentionally driving down morale and service levels in order to justify outsourcing to for-profit companies, with which he maintains major conflicts of interest.
A second issue is that the postal workers are represented by the American Postal Workers Union. Biden tried to portray himself as a friend of the union workers, yet he allowed this union-buster to stay on 4 years, and on into Trump's 4 years. WTF? How could he do that?
A third consequence is rarely mentioned. The USPS fleet of vehicles is very important. it is highly visible, symbolic, and largely welcome in communities throughout the country. And this is particularly true of rural communities, or was before DeJoy started killing rural routes, forcing many rural people to get their mail only at a box in the post office. To the credit of some of Biden's appointees, there was a good plan to convert most of the USPS carrier fleet to electric vehicles. There have been some delays, and DeJoy has fought this every step of the way, but the Governors held firm as long as they could. However, since the election, DeJoy has been acting to kill the entire order of electric vehicles, and the contractors (Oshkosh) is only too willing to keep providing gar-burners, because that means they don't have to do any innovation.
This is a major problem. The postal EVs would have demonstrated to all parts of America, especially rural America, that clean energy vehicles are practical, efficient, clean, reliable and cost-effective. This would have significantly changed the national attitude about clean energy, but it is an opportunity lost.
I realize this is forum is about "The Way Forward". It is obviously too late to can DeJoy. And it may already be too late to save the EV contract, requiring Oshkosh to deliver what they promised. But we should be pushing the Postal Governors to stand firm on this, demanding that DeJoy and Oshkosh stick with the plan.
This is so sad because it would have been so easy to have canned DeJoy and avoid this problem altogether.

(15,547 posts)Bc of the importance of the po i expected Biden to be on that asap
(8,175 posts)Also disappointed in Dems not taking this seriously.
(737 posts)Biden simply had to appoint Governors who would do the right thing.
Biden and Schumer left THREE VACANCIES UNFILLED. One was Marty Walsh, nominated 10 months ago -- never got a hearing, AFAIK.
Almost exactly a year ago, Rep Raskin begged Biden to nominate people to fill the open seats:
Biden didn't get around to that until last August (leaving the seats open without a nominee for about 9 months) when he nominated Val Demings and also nominated holdover Zollars to another term. How can this possibly take 9 months? It isn't as if Biden personally had to screen the candidates. Neither of them ever got a hearing, AFAIK
But even without those three vacancies filled, there are 4 Biden appointees and 2 Trump appointees on the board, which is plenty to dump deJoy, but nothing.
And now that leaves 3 seats for Trump to immediately give to other billionaires who are just as corrupt as DeJoy, leaving the board with 4 Biden appointees who would not do anything when they had the chance and 5 Trump loyalists, guaranteeing another 4 years of systematic dismantling of the USPS.
Also Martinez (Republican) is in a holdover position with an expired term. He could have been replaced with a different Republican at any time. Surely somebody in Biden's administration could find a Republican with transportation experience who would work IN SUPPORT OF the USPS.
I know some have fond feelings for Biden, but how can something so basic happen, when so many of us, including Dems from the Oversight Committee were begging Biden to simply make nominations, and Schumer to simply get their to a vote. All told, these vacancies have been open well over a year -- and that entire time the Senate was under Schumer's control. I mean seriously, WTF? This is the kind of thing that makes voters say both parties are the same -- neither party represents my interests. That is unforgivable, IMHO because it was so easy to not fail this way.
(14,893 posts)Our mail carriers provide their own vehicles, usually run-down SUVs. If they do get a maintenance allowance, it's not enough. I can't tell you how much oil our mail carrier has dripped on my driveway. He said he knows and is sorry, but they won't help him fix it. I have never seen a USPS vehicle anywhere near our neighborhood. Why is that?
We have noticed that since about late November, the mail is excruciatingly slow, if it comes at all. Packages never show up when they're supposed to. We didn't even get our mail yesterday. I subscribe to USPS Informed Delivery, and nothing it said would be coming yesterday actually arrived. Despite that, it also says nothing will be delivered today. I suspect the mail carrier's vehicle broke down again and maybe someone will bring yesterday's mail today.
(737 posts)I don't know exact numbers,, but I bet they have at least 200,000 of the smaller route carrier vehicles. These are almost all over 20 years old now. Recently they have bought some newer vans from Ford and maybe some others, but the big purchase was to be from Oshkosh in the form of the next-generation delivery vehicle.
These should all have been electric. DeJoy intervened early on and tried to make it about 80% gas powered IIRC. There was a lot of push-back and they settled on a lower percentage of gas vehicles, but even that should not have happened. Oshkosh never wanted to do electric because it was easier for them to just keep doing what they had always done. The Governors should have pushed back and said they would send the contract to Ford or GM if Oshkosh didn't want it.
But now it looks like DeJoy has rigged it, with the spineless acquiescence of the Governors, most of whom are Biden appointees, to make it almost all gas vehicles. That means that, besides not setting an example that would change thinking in the rural areas, we will be stuck with another 25 years of gas vehicles delivering the mail while Amazon, Fedex, UPS and others move ahead with cleaner, more efficient vehicles.
You can bet some serious money was passed below the table for letting Oshkosh keep the contract without fulfilling the main requirement.
(737 posts)The Oshkosh EVs were supposed to start rolling off the production line in September 2024. Now, 16 months later, they have apparently delivered only 93 (out of a promised 60,000) and may not deliver any more if DeJoy gets his way.
Response to piddyprints (Reply #3)
LiberalArkie This message was self-deleted by its author.
(737 posts)with their own vehicles. But even that is going away. I have friends that live in rural areas, who are no longer served by carriers and they have to pick up their mail at the PO.