Since your post is rather, shall we say confrontational, Ill do the same. What would make you think based on anything I said that this was an office in which I had any status other than independent contractor/employee? I essentially no longer work in my original practice and there just day a month to babysit my reconstruction patients who need help and assistance of both the dental and psychological variety. I love them like extended family, but I understand my role and got out of there more or less entirely.
I have not discussed any politics at work until yesterday, and when confronted by a Trumpian, I was not going to back down. Our fucking party is losing because we back down to these motherfuckers all the time and I am good and goddamned sick and tired of it. I will not be silenced, I am not afraid and I can do anything the fuck I want because Im a fucking doctor OK? They need me there and the boss loves me and he and his wife are both liberal Democrats so these fucking people who collect a check every week do not have a leg to stand on as far as anyone is concerned. I produce an enormous amount of money for these people out of the blue, and can convince nearly anyone to have their dentistry done and to pay for it gladly. That is my major asset. In other words, I aint getting fired no time soon.
In addition, I dont take shit from anybody anymore OK? Im 72 years old and Im tired of it. The reason Im working now is because I tried to make friends with everyone rather than have a serious approach to finances and status by being Mr. nice guy. Well, no more Mr. nice guy when its appropriate not to be since I got fucked by everybody and I have to work to pay the bills.
I hope I answered your questions.