Cambridge Analytics, Clarance Thomas, Gini Thomas, and Harlan Crow, anyone? Unline and the Christo-Fascists?
The J-6 committee walked just up to where they could see the Money and Media organizational collaboration backing behind Q-Anon, Conservative organizations and J-6, and jumped back quick. Could have been Cheney, could have been the shear scale of the collision that had been going on since Nixon - or perhaps back as far as the Great Depression to it's recovery period - from with Father Coghlin to McCarthy, where Religion met Gilded Age Capitalism to fight "Godless Commies" and any form of Enlightenment.
My thought. Biden isn't to blame, it's the infantilization of the American Population; a concerted push to turn us into mindless Consumers instead of informed Citizens for Profit and Power. And it's been happening for generations.
On edit -
Here's the problem. When not during Campaign investigations, Dark Money is portrayed as a Boogie Man that "smart people" could easily overcome because they can't be fooled, like uneducated idiots would be watching a Carney barker ...
The other conceit is that Dark Money is just Rich Folks throwing their excess money around; it won't really affect normal people personally in their jobs or say to say, because the media portrayal of Politics pretends politics don't affect normal people who work hard and follow the law. Politics only affects criminals and Rich people -according to the Media.
I don't see how Politicians in either party can inform the People about any dangers without Media influencers backing them.
Otherwise, the People are being told those Politicians are trying to fool or cheat them.
We the People are in a world of shit due to Media Influencers in this post-truth environment.