...they just talk out of their own oblivious heads and compound the ineffectiveness of our minority by refusing to do anything to actually find and echo what the leadership and other Democrats have been saying and doing from day one.
This person's complaint is false and a navelgazingly misinforming fail.
Schumer and the leadership is not asleep. They have been out everyday in front of the media, and have spelled out in detail what the challenges are and what they intend to do about them.
Including calling for people who have time to post self-reverential articles to do something, anything, to echo those concerns to the republicans who are in complete control right now, and who will be the ones making the legislation which affects us all.
They've been providing numbers at the Capitol to call for anyone who can fathom the basics of government and can discern who is in control of the agenda and has the votes to advance it in the legislature to the president's desk.
Weird that some people are still selling this nonsense as if Democrats won the House and Senate, telling us they should do this or that which they have absolutely no possible way of achieving with their own votes or initiative.
I'm tired of being punked by misplaced blame and a refusal to actually confront republicans with these complaints all directed at people out of any real power other than their own minority votes.