(Duluth) Anti-racism group plans alternative event to counter white pride rally (Sat. March 3) [View all]
A group that has urged people to stay away from a planned white pride rally Saturday morning at Duluths Civic Center is offering an alternative.
The group plans to hold a unity rally at the Aerial Lift Bridge at 10 a.m. Saturday.
We are looking at this as an opportunity for people to recommit, as a community, to work on racial justice and to grow together as a stronger community, said Joel Kilgour of the Loaves and Fishes Community, which provides shelter for homeless people. There will be hundreds of people there. We are going to take a big group picture in front of the Lift Bridge.
The rally is being held in response to a white pride rally by the Supreme White Alliance scheduled to begin at the same time. An organizer told the News Tribune last week that it could last up to three hours. Alliance members said they are reacting to the Un-Fair anti-racism campaign, which posted billboard ads with a white persons face and the words Its hard to see racism when youre white.
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