Resisters ARE resisting, large protests continue [View all]
while his cult/base buys more tiki torches (so sad these fine people can't get more to stand by them
"There have been at least four national protests during the Trump presidency to bring out over one million Americans each."
Since President Trumps inauguration, the United States has seen four enormous protests each with well over 1 million participants objecting to the administration and its policies: the 2017 Womens March, the 2018 Womens March, the national student walkout on March 14 and the March for Our Lives on March 24.
When you look at the issues that are bringing Americans into the parks and streets, they continue to be civil rights issues. From Black Lives Matter to March for Our Lives, demands for civil progress against state-sponsored or state-coddled violence are active and angry; demands for civil retrenchment, despite all the bleatings of Republican leaders and the feverish attempt by the New York Times to find any connecting thread among Trump voters other than gullibility and racism, are not. The tiki torch-wielding mobs of Charlottesville were small and petty; gun-rights protests intended to counter marching students have been minuscule affairs.
America is not going quietly into that good night. Whatever's being said on the television sets, the momentum continues to be on the side of those that would reform the country, rather than those that would sell it off for parts. So that's something.