This seems to be purely a political move by Sean and his henchmen. Not surprising since he's running for his life now.
Whats really unfortunate is that the state agency has crossed what should be a clear dividing line between governing and campaigning.
The job of the state Division of Insurance, plastered at the top of its website, is clear: The mission of the Division of Insurance is to regulate the insurance industry to protect Alaskan consumers.
Its mission is not to protect the Parnell and Sullivan campaigns with the release of misleading documents long on advocacy and short on analysis.
The gist of the state press release is that Obamacare is evil, responsible for what will be historic rate increases of up to 37 percent next year for some thousands of people in Alaska. The press release does not make it clear that this is not about Alaskans who have coverage through their employers.
Be sure to read all the comments on both articles. It seems like a lot of people are on to this.