H.R.1722 - Telework Enhancement Act of 2010
124 STAT. 3165PUBLIC LAW 111292DEC. 9, 2010
Public Law 111292
111th Congress
An Act
To require the head of each executive agency to establish and implement a policy
under which employees shall be authorized to telework, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the Telework Enhancement Act
of 2010.
(a) IN GENERAL.Part III of title 5, United States Code, is
amended by inserting after chapter 63 the following:
6501. Definitions.
6502. Executive agencies telework requirement.
6503. Training and monitoring.
6504. Policy and support.
6505. Telework Managing Officer.
6506. Reports.
§ 6501. Definitions
In this chapter:
(1) EMPLOYEE.The term employee has the meaning
given that term under section 2105.
(2) EXECUTIVE AGENCY.Except as provided in section
6506, the term executive agency has the meaning given that
term under section 105.
(3) TELEWORK.The term teleworkor teleworking refers
to a work flexibility arrangement under which an employee
performs the duties and responsibilities of such employees
position, and other authorized activities, from an approved
worksite other than the location from which the employee would
otherwise work.
§ 6502. Executive agencies telework requirement
(1) IN GENERAL.Not later than 180 days after the date
of enactment of this chapter, the head of each executive agency
shall (A) establish a policy under which eligible employees
of the agency may be authorized to telework;
(B) determine the eligibility for all employees of the
agency to participate in telework; and
(C) notify all employees of the agency of their eligi-
bility to telework.
This law (and its updates) hasn't been revoked by Congress.
As another note, I know with all the trips that I had made down to our HQ offices (there were multiple locations), there was not enough space for all of the people stationed there to be in the office at the same time. I.e., they were sharing desks/cubicles and alternated when they were in the office.
The federal government isn't Amazon or Walmart or Google or JP Morgan.