The Political Logic of Trump's International Threats [View all]
When an authoritarian-minded leader poised to control the worlds most powerful military begins overt saber-rattling against neighbors, the most obvious and important question to ask is whether he intends to follow through. That question, unfortunately, is difficult to answer. On the one hand, Trump almost certainly has no plan, or even concepts of a plan, to launch a hemispheric war. Seizing the uncontrolled edges of the North American continent makes sense in the board game Risk, but it has very little logic in any real-world scenario.
On the other hand, Trump constantly generated wild ideas during his first term, only for the traditional Republicans in his orbit to distract or foil him, with the result that the world never found out how serious he was about them. This time around, one of his highest priorities has been to make sure his incoming administration is free of officials whose professionalism or loyalty to the Constitution would put them at risk of violating their loyalty to Trump. We cannot simply assume that Trumps most harebrained schemes will fizzle.
An easier question to answer is why Trump keeps uttering these threats. One reason is that he seems to sincerely believe that strong countries have the right to bully weaker ones. Trump has long insisted that the United States should seize smaller countries natural resources, and that American allies should be paying us protection money, as if they were shopkeepers and America were a mob boss.
A second reason is that Trump uses his international bullying as fan service for his base. The actual, concrete policy agenda of Trumps presidency consists largely of boring regulatory and tax favors to wealthy donors and business interestspriorities that most of his voters dont care about. Trump seems to grasp the need for public dramas to entertain the MAGA base.
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