Phil Lesh passed away recently. He was the 84 year old former bass player for the Grateful Dead.
I've been to around 100 Dead shows in my life, and my spouse has been to probably over a dozen of them with me. Mr. Lesh meant a lot to both of us.
I first read the news of his passing here on DU. I immediately burst into tears, and told my wife, and then she burst into tears. We were both weepy all day.
On Reddit, there is a sub-reddit called "dead head circle jerk".
This subreddit is basically for people to insult the Grateful Dead. The responses in that forum are from fans of the band who are either really baked, or tripping their faces off.
Shortly after Lesh's passing, I was reading that subreddit.
A question was posed: What do you guys do when you are having a bad trip at a Grateful Dead show?
The first answer was "I close my eyes and imagine Phil Lesh making love to my wife".
Well, that wouldn't be funny to anyone else, but it tickled me, and it did the same to my spouse. The tears turned to hysterical laughter for a few hours.
We still laugh about that one stupid statement, considering the circumstances and the probable state of mind of whomever typed that response was just so ridiculously absurd that we had to laugh.
Laughter is healing...I laugh freely and without fear of how silly I might look.
I also experience this type of laughter when speaking to a friend of mine. It's what keeps me relatively sane. That's why I appreciated your's something that is not talked about much, but I truly believe that uncontrolled laughter extends your life span.