whom had extreme admiration. I would go to his big lecture classes and hang on every word. I sat way up on the second tier, maybe four or five seats in.
One day he held up a book so we could see from whom he was quoting. It fell on the floor, right out of his hand as he was holdiing it up.
This struck me as extremely funny and I started laughing, trying to conceal my face inside the cover of my coat because I didn't want to embarrass myself (or him).
I couldn't do it, so with my coat covering my face, I scrambled up the stairs to the outside landing and collapsed onto a bench in a heap of laughter. Several other students thought there was something wrong--was I sick?-- so they followed me and when they saw I was laughing, they started laughing, too. Nobody could stop.
It took several days for me to stop laughing at this so that I could go to his office and apologize. Literally, I tried to go to his office that very day and as I approached it, the image of the book dropping came to mind and I started laughing again. I knew I wasn't capable of apologizing that particular day. Finally, I was able to do so on the third day.