On this day, December 20, 1957, "Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank" was aired. [View all]
"Happy holidays" in 1957. The War on Christmas had an early start. As the linked article says, the song "Happy Holiday" was written by Irving Berlin.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Frank Sinatra Show Christmas (1957)
Christmas is the time of year when most of us allow ourselves to become nostalgic, yearning for happy moments from our childhoods--and even our collective pasts. We feel a sense of nostalgia for our own past, but also for the past that we didn't experience. The 19th century is long gone, but it is emotionally satisfying and comforting to see Victorian costumes and recreations of the stone-cobbled streets of London during the month of December each year. Christmas TV entertainment is one of the ways we indulge ourselves in cultural holiday memories.
One of the joys of watching the Christmas installment Happy Holidays from Bing and Frank, from the short-lived variety series The Frank Sinatra Show is that it's nostalgic. Frank welcomes crooner Bing Crosby as his musical guest in this special color episode. You didn't have to see this episode when it originally aired on television in 1957 to feel the nostalgia of it. There are layers and layers of cultural Christmas memories in this episode. Let's see how many you connect with.
Sinatra actually shares a writing credit for the song "Mistletoe and Holly," a song introduced on his 1957 album A Jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra.
Frank opens the show singing the song "Mistletoe and Holly" while casually trimming a Christmas tree on a very hip, fashionable bachelor apartment stage set. His good friend Bing Crosby drops by the apartment, bearing an armful of gifts, and the men greet each other while singing a chorus of Irving Berlin's song "Happy Holiday."
What gifts do Frank and Bing exchange? Copies of their latest Christmas LPs, of course.
Frank and Bing exchange punchlines and then duet with a jazz arrangement of "Jingle Bells."
#FrankSinatra #BingCrosby #Christmas
Frank Sinatra & Bing Crosby - The Christmas Song (Happy Holidays)
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Frank Sinatra & Bing Crosby - The Christmas Song (Happy Holidays)
Happy Holidays With Bing & Frank
Tue Dec 20, 2022:
On this day, December 20, 1957, "Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank" was aired.
Sun Dec 20, 2020:
On this day, December 20, 1957, "Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank" was aired.