Republican liaison to Arizona 'audit' says he might resign, saying there were 'serious issues' with [View all]
Cyber Ninjas' process
To date, the unconventional "audit" of votes in Maricopa County has been criticized by Arizona Democrats, local Republicans, and independent election experts. Now the person many thought was in charge of the process says he too is concerned about its legitimacy.
In an interview on Monday, former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett - the GOP-led state Senate's "lesion" to the ballot-counting process led by the private company Cyber Ninjas - told a conservative talk show host that was "close to stepping down."
"I cannot be part of a process that I am kept out of," he said. "Critical aspects along the way that make the audit legitimate and have integrity when we produce the final report. And, unfortunately, there have been too many of those situations."
"I'm the liaison," he added, "and I think when people hear that word, they think, 'Okay, he's in charge of it.' But that has not been the case."