Pima County Dem Party Withdraws Support from Candidate for Sheriff After His Daughter Accuses Him of [View all]
The Pima County Democratic Party has withdrawn its support for Kevin Kubitsky, one of two Democrats competing for the party's nomination in the Aug. 4 primary.
Earlier this week, Kubitsky's estranged daughter, Makyla Cleary, said on Facebook that she had been mentally, physically and sexually abused by him. Her post:
To all my friends and family on Facebook Kevin is my biological father and he is currently running for sheriff of Tucson Arizona. Kevin physically, sexually and mentally abused me from the age of 6 until I was 12 and finally had enough courage to tell someone about the horrendous things he was doing to me. An order of protection was placed on me and my mother and a court process started we went to court for a couple of years and when we were gathering people to testify on my behalf Kevin decided to give his rights up to me so that he would not face the backlash of the truth coming to the public. Kevin is a man who has severe anger issues and uses the badge as a shield of protection. Im asking that everyone please take the time to go vote against him as it is not safe to have an abuser and predator as our sheriff.
Kubitsky, who is divorced from Cleary's mother, denied the allegations on Facebook, saying he "would not do anything to my daughter to cause her harm" and that she had "mental health issues." He acknowledged a ] blamed his primary opponent, sheriff Chris Nanos, of orchestrating the post and dragging his daughter into the campaign. Nanos was a longtime Sheriff's Department officer who was appointed to the seat in 2015 but lost his bid to win it at the bllot box, losing to Republican Mark Napier. Napier is seeking reelection this year.
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