Watch Out Cory Gardner, The ‘Baggers Are Restless' [View all]
A conservative blogger at describes a Republican Party public event with Sen.-elect Cory Gardner sometime last month in Highlands Ranch that apparently didn't go so well:
With about 100 people at the meet and greet, it was a standing room only event where Gardener spoke for about two minutes and then went to mingle with the crowd. [Homeschool mom Florence] Sebern stated that she and her son stood back so that senior citizens in attendance could meet the senator-elect first.
Sebern described Gardners departure as abrupt, leaving the impression that he felt uncomfortable surrounded by people familiar to the campaign who might have had questions on his support for the spending bill which funded President Obamas mandate for amnesty. Sebern reported that there was no announcement for last minutes pictures or autographs, though there were several people waiting in line to see him...
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This behavior is nothing new to those of us in the 4th CD. Gardner has rightly earned a certain notoriety for blowing off constituents. There's a news article with a photo of him turning away from a constituent (in this case, me); I'd shown up to ask about the "re-define rape" bill he was boasting of cosponsoring, he said to make an appointment to discuss it. In spite of repeated attempts on my part, that conversation never happened with either him or anyone on his staff. At most of his pathetically rare public events he avoided anyone with cameras, not wanting to be recorded saying the stuff he says; abrupt, backdoor departures are common with him.
This is what has passed for "representation" for the district since he first went to D.C. Now he gets an entire state to dis and ignore. Don't believe me? Show up in his proximity with a camera and a question. Unless you're one of his invited guests you'll get rehearsed talking points not necessarily germane to the topic, or you will be pointedly ignored if not asked to leave.
Welcome to the 4th's nightmare, Colorado. The next six years are going to suck.