GOP gubernatorial candidate Bonini — No refugees accepted from nations that sponsor terrorism [View all]
DOVER State Sen. Colin Bonini, a Republican candidate for governor, said last week if he is elected he will not accept refugees from nations that sponsor terrorism and will seek to discourage immigrants from entering Delaware illegally.
He said he will mandate all state agencies turn immigrants unlawfully in the state over to the federal government, withhold funding from municipalities that declare themselves sanctuaries for illegal immigrants and push for private funding to aid refugees in their home countries.
Delawareans deserve to have a chief executive who will put the safety of citizens above political correctness, he said in a statement. These common-sense safeguards do not preclude helping those in need but simply ensures public safety comes first. As governor, I will ensure the safety of Delawareans is always first.
Gov. Jack Markell, a Democrat, said last year he would accept refugees fleeing Syria, a statement that drew praise from many Democrats and harsh criticism from Republicans.
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