New law requires Florida daycares to install special alarm to prevent hot car deaths [View all]
New law requires Florida daycares to install special alarm to prevent hot car deaths
By Kellie Cowan | Published 1 hour ago | Florida | FOX 13 News
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - A new law in Florida aims to prevent children from death or injury in daycare transportation. This week, Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new law that will require safety alarms to be installed in daycare vehicles. The alarms are designed to alert drivers when a child has been left in the car after it has been turned off. ... Children are especially vulnerable to injury or death when it comes to hot cars. Drivers may not realize a small, sleeping child is still in the car until its too late.
Thats what happened in 2017 at the Little Miracles Academy in Orlando when a driver
admitted she left a 3-year-old child inside a daycare transport vehicle. The boy was found dead more than 12 hours after hed been picked up that morning.
The tragedy prompted Orlando Senator Linda Stewart to get to work on a bill that she hopes will prevent another tragedy like that from ever happening in Florida. ... "Whatever we can do to prevent these deaths, I mean of all places, we are here in Florida. That temperature inside that vehicle can get up to 120 degrees, if it is a really hot day in Florida," said State Sen. Linda Stewart, D- Orlando.
The most recent death happened just two weeks ago when a nine-month-old baby died in Santa Rosa County. ... The new law goes into effect on January 1, 2022.