Florida Republican, Ileana Garcia, says we need to move on from racism. [View all]
Because Obama was president. What a horrible message on MLK weekend!
I think those critical race theories, they just add more gasoline to the fire versus putting it out.'
Not only should critical race theory be banned in Florida public schools, but racism against African Americans is no longer an issue in the United States because Barack Obama was elected President and served two full terms, according to Sen. Ileana Garcia.
In an interview that aired one day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Garcia told CBS 4 Miami investigative reporter Jim DeFede she believes the Black experience in America is not at all different from that of White people.
Thats why we had Obama as President, she said. Thats the best example in the world. Obama was President not for four years, for eight.
Garcias comments came shortly after DeFede asked Garcia, a Miami-Dade County Republican and the founder of Latinas for Trump, whether she supported Gov. Ron DeSantis Stop W.O.K.E. Act. The proposed law, which stands for Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees Act, would among other things codify the state Department of Educations June 2021 ban on critical race theory, empower parents to sue districts that implement critical race theory policies and allow the defunding of schools that hire critical race theory consultants.
By the way, she won a rigged election by 34 votes with shadow candidates that resulted in the arrest of one person for fraud. And shes of Cuban descent.