What we'd have to do is look at "excess death" statistics, because many covid victims, not just in FL, had other causes on the death certificate.
"In some counties, just half of the spike in deaths during the pandemic is attributed to COVID-19. Researchers say that points to a massive undercount."
We may have lost 2 million. We can be sure that covid deaths were undercounted.
There are a lot of ways a dishonest regime can frustrate fact-finding. After all, the Texas lt gov openly stated that grandma and grandpa shuld be willing to sacrifice their lives for "the economy". Really.
"Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy"
DeSantis had private vax giveaways for wealthy people in pop-up vax clinics, with the hoi-polloi kept out by law enforcement. Private protection, public disparagement.
Article shows picture with Seniors First sign.
"The Republican governor was already facing attacks by local officials upset he put the new pod in the countys two wealthiest zip codes, even as racial disparities continue to affect the states vaccine rollout, and he had blunt message he wanted to deliver in person: If you dont like it, well leave."