Look up Diamond and Silk. They weren't always right-wing darlings. In fact, in their early days, they were very pro-Black Lives Matter and did a great deal videos regarding the movement. But they didn't register a lot of views. What did? Supporting Trump. They would have never reached the level of popularity they did had they continued churning out videos in support of BLM and other liberal policies. But this gave them a new audience as a black voice in support of Trump.
Go watch the HBO miniseries The Plot Against America. There is a perfect example of this. Lindbergh, who's running for president against FDR, uses a Jewish rabbi to sell his message.
But the message was never meant for Jews. It wasn't to get the Jews to support his campaign, which they never would have, anyway. It was to placate white, Christian voters who may have feared Lindbergh was anti-Jew and pro-Hitler.
By God! If this rabbi can support him - clearly he couldn't be any of those things.
So, what happened? That rabbi's voice became powerful. His authority and positioning inflated. Soon, he was introducing Lindbergh at rallies and even friends with Lindbergh's wife after he won the election. That would have never happened with Roosevelt!
For this lawmaker, like it was with Candice Owens and others, their voice was one of a million. But now, as a black Trump supporter, it's one of only a select few. Now this voice gives Trump's white voters comfort to support his bullshit bigotry.
And these people become celebrities because of it. Something they would have never been had it not been for supporting Trump.
No one would've known anything about Diamond and Silk if they didn't start making videos about Trump.
And no one would've known this guy, either, had he not supported Trump.
But it's not just blacks. There's plenty of whites, too, who sell themselves out. Look Kellyanne Conway. A few years ago, she was a moderate Republican who despised Trump.
Now she's one of his closest confidants.