this is something dems and the left have to start figuring into how republicans can win so much and why the country looks so far right. this is what unions are up against. and it is why these 90 universities are better places to protest anything republican than capitols.
at a cheap $1000/hr x 15hrs/day x 1200 stations, rw talk radio is worth 4.68 BIL$/ year or 390MIL$ /month FREE for coordinated pro republican wall st think tank propaganda, hate, and swiftboating all over the US
the 18 limbaugh stations in IL worth more than $70.2MIL/year or $5.85 MIL/mo FREE and there are probably that many agin that are not limbaugh but are pro rauner and "right to work".
that right to work crap is all over rw radio whenever it comes up in state legislation - just like voter suppression and sexual discrimination, etc.
the university of illinois broadcasts on 7 of the 18 limbaugh stations in ill
so that is $27.3mil/yr endorsed by the fighting illini
that should not be acceptable and make the university of illinois the most effective place to protest rauner and republican bullshit in the state
once the community discussion starts as to why the uni supports politicians that deny global warming and want to defund public ed and try to make racism acceptable, advertisers will flee those stations. the gop will freak out because whatever happens, it is a direct threat to their messaging superiority and ability to manage and intimidate local media and politicians.