Iowa Board of Regents' stunning lack of accountability [View all]
When former University of Northern Iowa president Bill Ruud announced he was leaving, Iowa Board of Regents president Bruce Rastetter praised him for great progress and leaving UNI in a stronger position than when he arrived.
It remains curious why Ruud had to go. Officially, the board didnt fire Ruud, but his contract wasnt renewed and that sends a message. Ruuds graceful exit masks the injustice the regents did to him and UNI. Ruuds departure is also another sign the board lacks accountability.
<<snip>> (lots of good stuff about Rastatter and Branstad in between - MUST READ!)
There are three patterns here, all not befitting the board: 1) The board functions as a revolving door of political patronage, 2) the board is secretive in its dealings, particularly where cronyism and favoritism might come to light, and 3) the board seems to treat compliant university presidents with special favor, and those it deems less compliant with disdain.
hopefully the board of regents along with Medicaid, the closing of the mental health institutions, Orascom, school budget cuts and more will finally bring Branstad/ Reynolds down in 2018.