In 2008, Baker won an award for OFFSHORING JOBS and promises to expand charter schools. [View all]
Apparently, this is his idea of how you create and/or save jobs in Massachusetts--send them to other countries. then triple the salary of the Massachusetts CEO, in this case, him. If there was ever a more classic case of the 10% vs. 90%, it was probably the last Republican Governor of Massachusetts, aka the bane of Massachusetts.
Baker's response is to express disappointment in Coakley's negative campaign because, you know, as Colbert so nicely proved, the PAC that's been hitting Coakley again and again for months has nothing to to with Baker. In pure and hypocritical theory, anyway.
I certainly cannot fault only Republicans for charter schools, but his plan for improving education in Massachusetts is to expand charter schools, aka private profits, public funding. Meanwhile, he'll cut state funding for education while giving more to the job craters (sic). (Remember Fidelity helping itself to state aid, while on its way OUT of Massachusetts?) Um, NO thanks.
Please see also this excellent post in this forum by JDDavis.