Missouri county GOP pulls invitation to Blunt to protest emergency declaration vote, report says [View all]
A county Republican Party in Missouri has disinvited Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., from its annual dinner to protest his vote in favor of a resolution disapproving of President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration.
The Kansas City Star reported Monday that the Christian County Republican Central Committee rescinded its invitation to Blunt to attend next month's Lincoln/Trump Day Dinner in Ozark, Missouri.
The county party's website lists Missouri State House Speaker Elijah Haahr, R, as a special guest for the event.
Blunt was one of 12 Republicans in the Senate to defy Trump and vote in favor of a resolution overturning his declaration of a national emergency at the border. In an email to Blunt's office quoted by the Kansas City Star, Christian County Republican Central Committee member Wanda Martens wrote that she was "so disappointed in [Blunt] now that I can hardly speak."