Do you listen online? And I have to tell you, I like the police here very much--with only one exception in my 12 years of living here.
YES, crime per capita is high here. ABQ is, most notably, the city with the highest rate of car theft in the U.S. according to its population. We have a new mayor now, and the city council recently decriminalized marijuana, so the police don't have to waste time doing paperwork if they find a couple of flowers in somebody's car. They either issue a $50 fine or let the driver go as long as s/he doesn't appear impaired. (I actually heard this on the scanner one night. Cop pulled over a young male and said,"He had a couple of flowers, but he seemed fine, so I let him go." )
One note of caution about listening to the scanner though: The reports that come in via the dispatcher don't always turn out to be as horrific as they sound, and sometimes they aren't true. I hear gunshot reports that come through the dispatcher almost every day, but I'm not sure how many are accurate.
The ABQ police have really cracked down recently. They're increasing the number of officers on the the streets and coordinating with county and state police. The NYC police came here not too long ago and gave ABQ some advice. One recommendation was that if the police follow the car thieves, hijackers, etc., they will find all kinds of other criminal activity. So far, it seems to be working.
It has long been my personal belief (nothing new) that most of our crime comes from poverty and the meth/heroin problems associated with that.
In any case, I don't feel threatened or unsafe living here. I love the outdoor opportunities the place affords, and I love the people. I also like the fact that it's not crowded.
So don't take the scanner too literally. Have you ever taken the tram up to Sandia Crest?