Think Cuomo is Liberal demon spawn so I'm not sure he'll win over that many more votes up here. Heck, they're still whining about NY making it more difficult to buy guns but if you go down the list of what was included in the law most are okay with the changes. We just suggest maybe they should go to NYS site and read the actual law.
My husband actually has an advantage in this area. He's an old grey beard type who grew up owning and knowing a lot about guns for hunting. He was ranked as a Marksman when younger and was at one point a card carrying member of the NRA until they sold their soul decades ago.
I'm very glad Cuomo weighed in on this as he did too. My eldest daughter would not have tolerated a school locking them in or suspending any of her daughters for using her 1st Amendment right. She's much like me that way and she knows I'd back her up on going after the school if they had done so. She's knows it's unlikely in NY but she's already told me that if they arm teachers and/or staff, she'll pull her girls and home school.
The weather has been weird. We don't normally get as much snow as downstate but enough. ATM it's single digits again but the Canadian Geese are returning and I saw a robin in the front yard so I know Spring will be here soon.