Oops. Deed restriction says the building occupied by Williamsport police can be used only as a [View all]
Oops. Deed restriction says the building occupied by Williamsport police can be used only as a museum
WILLIAMSPORT News that its police department cannot legally occupy the building to which it recently relocated because of a deed restriction is the latest problem for Williamsport, whose finances are under investigation by the state attorney generals office.
Everything we look at is a mess, Mayor Derek Slaughter said Friday. He and members of City Council admit the $28.3 million budget scheduled for adoption likely does not reflect the actual financial condition of the city.
How do I make projections? the mayor said. No one knows what the city owes, he said.
A forensic audit of the citys transit bureau found state and federal transit funding was used multiple times to pay expenses on behalf of other entities. It is possible some of the money will have to be repaid.
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