Investigation zeroes in on how money and power are peddled in South Carolina politics [View all]
An investigation into corruption at the Statehouse has taken aim at South Carolinas command-and-control center a network of power brokers and lawmakers who, if the allegations are true, milked the system of hundreds of thousands of dollars by skirting the states loose ethic laws.
The probe, led by special prosecutor David Pascoe, has the potential to challenge the states political power structure in ways even deeper than the Lost Trust sting in the 1990s.
Though scandalous, the Lost Trust cases targeted lawmakers who could be bought with small amounts of money lawmakers who held relatively little power in the General Assembly.
This one has targeted the states top players, most recently, the respected state Sen. John Courson. It involves dollar signs that make Lost Trust look like chump change.
Courson was accused last week of siphoning nearly $133,000 in campaign cash for his personal use by funneling funds through the company of his powerhouse consultant, Richard Quinn of Columbia.
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