Youngkin's latest excuse - debate moderator gave $250 to Haiti earthquake fund 11 years ago [View all]
Youngkin to skip marquee debate over moderators donation to Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
RICHMOND Republican Glenn Youngkin will skip what is typically the premier debate of the Virginia governor's race, saying he objects to the moderator, PBS NewsHour host Judy Woodruff, because she once donated $250 to the Clinton Foundation's Haitian earthquake relief fund.
By refusing to square off with Democrat Terry McAuliffe at the Virginia Bar Association debate later this month, the political newcomer and former Carlyle Group executive is breaking with a 36-year tradition. Every aspiring Virginia governor has participated in the VBA debate since 1985.
Woodruff donated $250 in 2010 to the foundations Haitian earthquake relief program, at the time led by two former presidents Democrat Bill Clinton and Republican George W. Bush. Its formal name was the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Woodruff has moderated several VBA debates for governor and U.S. Senate in the years since.
Judys donation to the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund was in response to bipartisan call by fmr prezs Clinton & George W. Bush in 2010 for relief for Haiti following devastating earthquake. Seeing it thru any other lens is completely misleading, Just tweeted. And it should go without saying, Judy over the course of her distinguished career has never donated to a politician or any political party.