Seattle voters are opposed to plans to close elementaries and open to recalling school board members, NPI poll finds [View all]
Voters in Seattle are extremely unhappy with the austerity measures being proposed to close a financial shortfall in Washingtons largest school district and ready to bring in new leadership that will put youth and families first, the Northwest Progressive Institutes latest survey of the Emerald City electorate shows.
Outright majorities of likely 2024 Seattle voters told us in a survey that finished fielding at the beginning of this month that they are unsatisfied with the direction of Seattle Public Schools, disapprove of the school boards performance, and oppose the districts plan to close elementary schools. Strikingly, a plurality are even prepared to vote to recall the school board members if they get the opportunity to.
The poll, which consisted of interviews of 613 likely voters, was conducted by Change Research for NPI between October 28th and November 2nd. In addition to examining voters views on the state of the city and Seattle Public Schools, it looked at the at-large city council race between Alexis Mercedes Rinck and Tanya Woo and the Keep Seattle Moving transportation levy. The poll indicated that Mercedes Rinck would win easily and the levy would pass without difficulty both outcomes that are now coming to pass.
While Seattle voters are for the most part pleased with the work of their federal and state elected leaders, they definitely dont feel the same about the people who are charged with locally implementing the states sacred obligation and paramount duty of amply providing for the education of all youth residing within its borders.