Group: Sunday hunt could bring 2,600 jobs, $155M to West Virginia [View all]
Making hunting legal on Sundays across West Virginia could create about 2,600 jobs and spur up to $155 million in additional economic activity each year, a representative of a national sportsmens advocacy group told lawmakers Tuesday.
West Virginia is not a destination hunting state, but it very well could be with fewer confusing laws for nonresidents, said John Culclasure, Appalachian states coordinator for the Congressional Sportsmens Foundation. Confusing county-by-county Sunday hunting rules discourage hunters from hunting in West Virginia. In one county its legal, in the next, its not.
Twenty-two of 55 counties in West Virginia already allow Sunday hunting on private land. Voters in five counties Kanawha, Monongalia, Berkeley, Mercer and Wood will decide during the Nov. 8 election whether to remove bans on Sunday hunting.
The Congressional Sportsmens Foundation and the National Rifle Association are urging West Virginia legislators to pass a law next year that would legalize Sunday hunting statewide preferably on private and public land.
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