With just a week to go - the state of the UK general election is not pretty... [View all]
Brexit Voter: "We voted for Brexit, why haven't you done it?"
The Conservatives: It is all the fault of Parliament, Labour and the Courts, they are ignoring the will of the people and we want to get Brexit done. You cant trust anyone else to get Brexit done, only we respect the wishes of the majority, only we want to protect the democratic mandate from the referendum. We will get Brexit done.
All Other Parties: The Conservatives have had over 3 years to deliver Brexit and have failed completely to do so. We want to revoke article 50, stop Brexit, hold a second referendum, Brexit wont fully happen for years anyway whoever wins, the election is not just about Brexit.
Brexit Voter: "We voted for Brexit, Johnson is going to do it, stuff everything else."
Party faithful members: Baaah, baaaah, baaaah, chunter, chunter, chunter, I am saying what they want me to say no matter how ridiculous it sounds to the general public.
Pretty much everyone else: Fuck Brexit and the far left and the far right who are leaving us with so few options for the governance of this country. We want our country back to a moderate normal place
Rinse and Repeat for the next week. Oh, Goody!