For me I found that on a computer that I do all those items that keep my household up and running going minimal gets frustrating. I will agree that command line is very fast, but sometimes I like a simple GUI style search to find what I want. Being able to scan what software can be downloaded and reading what it does is a great help sometimes. I am still working on command line to get comfortable to do all from it . I really like pacman, packer, and yaourt on command line. I find I like using command line to Apt-get in Debian it is very fast. Some activities I prefer some sort of a GUI. I did get Arch going up to a desktop and it was fun, and so I use Arch to learn on not as my main desktop. I like Archbang and CTKArch because they get you to the desktop, and are still minimial so you still have only what you want in it. I have several computers which I use to check out Distros and and work on learning Arch. On my main computer I don't want to be fixing all the time thats why I gave up on Windows. I spent more time fixing than getting things done.
I know that some Arch users don't like the concept of Archbang, CTKArch, and KahelOS as not not being true to the ideal of Arch. They do introduce newbies to Arch and most likely would make them more willing to try Arch. The big reason I went to these Arch distros was for the Rolling updates, and no huge Distro upgrade every year or two.
Debian stable was just to out of date for me very stable but out of date, and you had to know your repositories well to change that. Debian testing is a bit better with updated software. Arch seem easier to set up and maintain than a Debian Sid distro.
maybe if you won't mind sometime if I could ask you guestions when I get stuck working on a Arch setup. I do agree that once you get Arch setup the way you want why would want to leave it. Have you tried Gentoo?
Thanks for posting a reply to my post.