Progressives need to speak up: Morales made mistakes, but nothing justifies the violent right-wing putsch that followed.
By Laura Carlsen | November 20, 2019
The coup detat in Bolivia has divided not only that country but the world.
The mainstream press, the Trump administration, the Washington-compliant Organization of American States, and right-wing governments throughout the region have hailed the ouster of Evo Morales, Bolivias first indigenous president.
Thats to be expected. The U.S. has long plotted regime change for Bolivia, a government that not only openly espoused socialism, but set a terrible example in the still present logic of the Cold War by succeeding in improving the living conditions of its population while attaining the highest growth rates in the region.
Whats unexpected is the defense of the coup from parts of the left that have refused to call it a coup, and instead insist that the actions of the Morales government led to its own downfall. The events and the aftermath tell a clear story: There was a coup in Bolivia, which has installed a virulently racist and fundamentalist, anti-women regime, with the full support and planning from the U.S. government and the OAS.
This new regime has no intention of returning to constitutional order (despite claims to carry out elections under its terms), has eliminated separation of church and state, and has already launched multiple murderous attacks on its opponents. Security forces have murdered scores of protesters, mostly indigenous people, as the regime grows increasingly desperate and repressive.
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Second, theres the fact of prior planning. Regime change in Bolivia was long planned by the right and the U.S. government. Years ago, the conservative civic committees based in the white, wealthy area of Santa Cruz began a strategy of separating from the nation ruled by a very popular indigenous, leftist president. The U.S. embassy supported the civic committee of Santa Cruz and other opposition groups, betting on the balkanization of the country.
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Trumps instant recognition of the coup regime was openly celebratory even as violence gripped the country. He stated triumphantly:
The United States applauds the Bolivian people for demanding freedom and the Bolivian military for abiding by its oath to protect not just a single person, but Bolivias constitution. These events send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes in Venezuela and Nicaragua that democracy and the will of the people will always prevail. We are now one step closer to a completely democratic, prosperous, and free Western Hemisphere.
Jeanine Áñez, white racist senator from the wealthy, separatist oligarcy, appointed herself as interim president, and waved the Bible around continually while insisting the Bible believers would rule the nation.