Kerry Statement on EPA Mercury and Air Toxics Standards [View all]
Kerry Statement on EPA Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
WASHINGTON, D.C. Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) today issued a statement on the EPAs final standards which, for the first time ever, will reduce mercury and other toxic air pollution from coal and oil-fired power plants. These old power plants threaten public health and account for roughly two-thirds of the nations toxic mercury emissions each year.
The bottom line is, this will mean fewer heart attacks and asthma attacks, fewer kids exposed to mercury, and thousands of good jobs for the American workers who will build, install, and operate the equipment to reduce these toxic pollutants, said Sen. Kerry. Smart health and environmental protections go hand in hand with economic growth and reliable, affordable energy.
Throughout his career, Senator Kerry has been dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of Americans by pushing for better environmental standards. He has championed everything from safer drinking water to preventing toxic chemicals in our homes to most recently pushing for a comprehensive solution to global climate change, an issue that will affect all of us.