The Walter Shapiro book [View all]
One-Car Caravan (publisher Public Affairs/Perseus) . He had the guts to publish this in 2003, BEFORE the primaries happened, , got a copy on Amazon. (Super cheap, by the way: $4 for the pristine first edition that I got, but way, way cheaper than that for used ones)
Decided to look at the last chapter first, and wanted to share some fun bits with you. Remember, he wrote this in
pg. 213 (bold highlights are mine : )):
John Kerry is the candidate with whom I would most enjoy going out for a beer. But then I have a weakness for cerebral guys who talk in complex sentences, get caught up in the nuances of policy, remember Vietnam and seem just depressed enough to be interesting.
pp 207-208 (an imagined President Kerry, taping his diary, Feb 16, 2005):
Now for the part that probably shouldn't be transcribed for a long, long time. It's John Edwards. I just wish I felt more comfortable with him. Okay, of course, it was political necessity to put him on the ticket. But often I sense he resents me in some deep social-class, Yale, son-of-a-diplomat way. No way I could make him understand the dynamics in the family or how lonely I felt being packed off to school and camp. John's always smiling, competent, hard-working. I wish I could add loyal, but I'm not sure. I wonder if he's still talking regularly to Clinton. At least, Hillary's on board with the high-speed rail. But with both of them-- actually three of them if you count Clinton as well-- I keep having to watch my back.
As an admired and admirable senator would say, "Stunning".
Thanks, DU for finally getting the formatting tools and smilies back, and easier-to-use , too! .