I thought that name looked familiar ... [View all]
I remember this guy because of controversy over his remarks about waterboarding, and the fact that he was a staffer working as an investigator for the SFRC under Sen. Kerry. Now he is in trouble:
Mr. Kiriakou is embroiled in another drama. The same government that a decade ago sent him to risk his life taking on Al Qaeda is now trying to send him to prison for as much as 30 years, charging him with disclosing classified information the identity of two former colleagues who participated in interrogating detainees to journalists.
In 2009, Mr. Kiriakou joined the Democratic staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, led by Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts. He worked as an investigator on several counternarcotics and counterterrorism reports, leaving after a year.
Honestly, I don't know enough about this case to comment, but obviously, Glenn Greenwald has an opinion:
I see some right wing attacks on Kerry for this, but that is kind of ridiculous. How would he know about this?