internationally, where soccer and (maybe) hockey than they did in the US, where the obsession is with football, baseball and Basketball. I remember how frustrating it was to see yahoos on the Boston Herald board mocking Kerry because he got a baseball player's name wrong. That it was likely that most of these idiots were far less athletic than Kerry and because I can see no reason a person could be better qualified to be President because they are obsessed with baseball. This shows I was wrong on the latter - it could be a basis for bonding.
I also loved the picture of him taking a photo of the beautiful flowers - I wonder who is known to love flowers that he could have sent the photo to.
How do you get the emailed schedule - I just follow the State Department twitter feed.
I am disappointed by the whiny response of the left to an agreement - that if it works - could set a real precedent for the international community on weapons of mass destruction. The reaction here over the weekend and yesterday was pathetic.
On DU - It was even to some jumping on a comment - clearly jostling for position - from Lavrov on "chapter 7". Lavrov was given 100% credibility and Kerry 0% by one poster - who then whined when I posted their joint comments from Saturday - showing Kerry saying the same thing then and Lavrov (whose English is good) not contradicting him. - that I did not provide a "snip" which I was informed is how things were done. (I was in a hurry, but the full contest was needed to make the point.)
On MSNBC, Hayes had Alan Grayson - who went on about how this was a victory brought on by people like him. This is just graceless - and likely because they need to hold on to their having been right. (I would have more respect if they said that this was a better resolution (or not) than doing nothing, but they still disagree that it would have been reasonable to have a strike - no matter how targeted. In Grayson's case, I doubt he could posit a likely reason that - had Obama ignored the attack as Grayson advised - what would have precipitated Russia, which had not moved to do this when the attack occurred and STILL argues it was possibly the rebels, would have pushed Syria on its own. The US unilaterally - even with the threat of force - did not have that kind of leverage.