Sec. Kerry to attend climate talks [View all]
Very glad to see this. He is without the question The Man for the Job.
In a sign of the importance that the Obama administration has placed on the outcome of United Nations climate change negotiations taking place here this week, Secretary of State John Kerry will arrive on Thursday to strongly urge negotiators to reach a deal, according to sources familiar with Mr. Kerrys plans but unauthorized to speak to the media. Typically, the secretary of state would not join diplomatic negotiations at this level, but Mr. Kerry has made climate change a priority of his tenure.
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China, although it agreed to cuts, is hesitating about allowing outside monitoring of its emissions. Oil-producing countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela are seen as quietly trying to block a deal behind the scenes. And many nations worry that, while Mr. Obama has enacted new regulations, the incoming Republican Congress will block or repeal them.
Mr. Kerry is no stranger to such negotiations; he is arguably more familiar with climate change than any of his predecessors. As a senator, he attended annual United Nations climate change summit meetings for years.