These excerpts stood out especially:
. .
.But John Kerry isnt an average secretary of state. Leaving politics and economics aside, he has something truly special, very personal, something quite warming to the hearts if he can share that heartfelt treasure right. And that is, happiness in spite of defeat.
Non-Americans began to hear about John Kerry in 2004 when he was fiercely fighting for the presidency against the unpopular incumbent president but ultimately lost the battle by a small margin of popular votes (48.27 per cent versus Bushs 50.73 per cent), which made the defeat really hard to swallow.. . . And he did so with such honour and grace when he uttered to crowds cheering him saying, I wish that I could just wrap you up in my arms and embrace each and every one of you individually all across this nation to thank them. . . The many acts of bravery on the battlefields had certainly shaped his worldview. But, more importantly and on a personal level, it was his unmistakable courage to reveal the inconvenient truth about war atrocities allegedly committed by American soldiers that shot him to national fame overnight. This introductory message would find some resonance with his Asian interlocutors who will and should boast of their own military record. . .
. . . the need to respect the decision of the voters must be loud and clear if peace and orderly daily life are to be restored, instead of manipulating the crowds. And in the process, as his case has clearly demonstrated, personal honour also got restored.
This was obvious when he handily won his fourth straight re-election to the US Senate in 2008, gathering 65 per cent of votes in Massachusetts.
As a career politician, there are few who have served with distinctions and retained as good a reputation as John Kerry has. His story shouldnt be forgotten. All he needs to do is to begin telling it as passionately as he should as it relates to his honourable acceptance of defeat. of course the conditions arent the same in the US and elsewhere but what should be required everywhere is that one additional grain of courage and good character. Sometimes the greatest motivation comes from the most unlikely places because power is greatest when we dont need it. . .
The author seems to think that Sec. Kerry needs to write about these things now, while he is Secretary of State. I want him to write a memoir, too! But, first, in his last year as SoS, he needs to devote all his time to doing what he can to save the world, not to peripheral issues; the memoir can certainly wait a year or two. And second (I don't think that the author necessarily understands this), as SoS, he actually
is not allowed write publicly about political issues right now.
I hope and trust that Sec. Kerry WILL in fact write a memoir after his tour as Secretary of State is completed. And I also hope that it is very frank and rich in detail. If he lets it rip, it should be a page-turner . : )