hs children are exposed to "the real world" much more than an insulated classroom. Of course there are those nutjob exceptions. But you'll find those everywhere regardless. You'll find far more fundamentalists IN public school than out of it, so there goes that argument. Again. And don't you just love those schools who teach creationism IN THE CLASSROOM. And teach only abstinence? and that being homosexual is so bad you can't even say the word?
BTW - my child convinced ME to let go my doubts of "faith" that I'd been struggling wth for my entire life. He gave me the courage to admit I didn't believe a damn thing even though I grew up - as did he - in the Church. There all the time. Involved in every activity. etc. ad nauseum. Whew. What a relief to let that pack of lies go.
Critical thinking. A skill sadly lacking in public schools. Ooo - let's fill in little bubbles and learn only what the teacher says. Let's not ask questions that confuse the other kids. Let's all go at exactly the same pace - even if that means sitting there doing NOTHING because you mastered that task in about 30 seconds and it takes little johnny 3 days. Let's learn one little isolated fact at a time and not learn how it integrates into the world around you. Let's not move beyond the tiny little sliver you're being shoveled because "oh no, you're not ready to learn THAT yet!"
Let's only have friends who are plus/minus one year of age, with an approximate 50/50 boy girl mix - and oooo cooties or oooo baby depending on the age - 'cause with the peer pressure that's the way you're supposed to act, right? And speaking of peer pressure, let's everyone wear the SAME THING and like the SAME MUSIC and OMG - let's all be alike and we'll ostracize/tease/bully anyone who is different/ Tolerance? hahaha I laugh in the face of tolerance. It's just not tolerated. Let's all be good little boys and girls who have to raise their freaking hand to go to the BATHROOM and line up just so and maybe if you're very good, you get to go outside about 15 minutes. And the demographics or race/income you're exposed to are based on the percentages found in your "school district" - if any. And btw - don't "mix" with THOSE kids. . .
Yeah, that's exposing kids to some good stuff right there.