Teens Accused of Horrific Cat and Dog Torture Must Be Prosecuted (Petition) [View all]
October 26, 2016
A pair of teenagers in the Russian province of Primorsky Krai reportedly ripped a cat's heart out and nailed a dog to a wall.
The 17-year-old was arrested after allegedly posting footage of the gruesome murders
One photo shows a knife being held next to the face of a wide-eyed cat.
The video shows a dog hanging from a wall before being shot.
The gory photos show multiple dead animals that have been mutilated.
These savage animal murders were carried out with pure malice and sadism.
Both girls have denied any guilt and have asserted the photos were doctored.
Please take a stand for these innocent animals who were brutally tortured and murdered.
Sign the petition to demand that these sadistic teenagers receive the most severe penalty possible if proven guilty of their alleged crimes.
View petition at: