Except it didn't start with Drumpf being elected. It started with his escalator ride from hell, and how he riled up all the domestic terrorists and bigots. Then, became even worse on 11/9, and now it seems there is no end in sight.
Maybe this isn't the place for this, but, sometimes you just have to get shit off your chest...
There's been the six years of open hatred from Agolf Twitler and his fan club. People who saw TFG's victory as a mandate to make our lives a living hell in the name of "MAGA".
There are all the relationships I've had shattered - many because I couldn't handle their Drumpf worship and casual bigotry. If it wasn't casual bigotry, it was trying to tell me water isn't wet, the sun isn't bright, and "Trump's not the homophobe. Hillary is!" Other relationships wound up shattered from being so emotionally and mentally damaged from this whole nightmare that my own turmoil boiled over.
There was the incident involving a showdown with a neighbor and the local police, because said neighbor had the nerve to call 911 and report me as a "child predator", despite the fact I've never done a thing to a child. Where'd she get that kind of idea? Because "Trump and the Republicans say people like you are threats to our children!"
There's having over a decade's worth of work destroyed in a clusterfuck of sexual harassment and bigotry. Where the "good guys" discriminated against me, allowed me to be discriminated against, told me I "brought it upon myself", and allowed me to endure a very hostile work environment because I "asked for it", because "you're not normal", because "I bother people". Because nothing says charity like harassment and hatred. And, gee, I wonder where people would get the idea such shit was okay? From President MAGA, who loves to brag about grabbing them by... you know where.
I'm a fucking ball of neurosis and PTSD and anxiety, still. Because of everything I've gone through. Because of the hell Drumpf unleashed upon all on us. Because his fucking qult won't shut up, and the media keeps giving them a platform, because "74 million voted for him!" And maybe that sounds bad, because he isn't the president anymore - Biden is. But I don't blame Biden. I want to fucking make that clear. I don't blame Biden. I blame Pandora Trump and the demons he's unleashed and the fucking media for amplifying it. Biden alone can't undo this. I'm not sure 1,000 Bidens could undo this. That's how out of control the last six years have been.
As much as I'm heartbroken, I don't know if I can blame those who hate me now. I hate me. I hate me and I hate how I feel and I hate what a mess I am. I long for the days of only being depressed. I prefer moping and saying nothing over my anxiety going off the rails, or reacting out of PTSD, and screaming and wishing I were no longer alive. I hate how much I hurt, and how scared I am. I hate how much others hurt, and how scared they are. I hate this whole damned nightmare, brought on by these stupid, infantile domestic terrorists.
We went a lot further back than just "four years" under King Nothing. Sure, we can say marriage equality is still the law of the land, blah blah blah. But the open hatred and hostility from our fellow "Americans", egged on by by the asshole? It's far worse now than it was in 2014. And much like squeezing the toothpaste out of the tube, I don't know how we undo that.
The only thing that surprises me about your post and that article is it's only 12%.
I'm tired and I'm hurting and I'm scared. I don't know if I can forgive anyone who voted for the SOB. But, I know, I know.. "Her emails". Because that's so much worse than inciting hatred and bigotry...