Festival of Trees teenage-female volunteer turned away for wearing pants [View all]
From Utah:
Festival Chairwoman, Marie Partridge, says the festival makes it very clear that men are to wear slacks, and women are to wear dresses or skirts, no pants. Partridge says a dress on a female volunteer, and slacks on a male volunteer helps those visiting the event know who is part of the festival, and patrons can ask questions and voice concerns. Kaiser says her professional pant suit, which she intends to wear during college interviews in a few months, would have made it obvious to people attending the event that she was part of the volunteer staff.
I had worn this because I thought it would best represent my professional attitude my love for service, and I was turned away, says Kaiser.
Partridge says the rules regarding the dress code have been in place since the beginning of Festival of Trees around 44-years-ago. Kaiser says that policy is antiquated.
Even 44 years ago this was a ridiculous dress code.